Delicious Bbq Jackfruit Sandwiches for a Tasty Meal

Here are the essential ingredients on your short ingredient list for this gorgeous,

towering crispy-cheeky sandwich:

a box of jackfruit
Chick peas
Cabbage salad

More or less a few extras like garlic, a few extra spices, maybe pickles and/or hot sauce as a side dish and boom. You’re here.
New To Jackfruit?

Let’s talk for a moment about this fleshy, but not fleshy filling.

If you have never cooked canned jackfruit before, listen up. You are on a fun adventure because it is SO SIMPLE, pantry friendly and really unique. The most difficult thing is probably to find it, but even this is not too difficult: most grocery stores focused on health or health run it, and if all else fails, Amazon!

When you press on the jackfruit with the back of a spoon or a wooden fork, they separate into shreds that look like shredded chicken, pork, etc. and if you add spices, a little brown sugar and BARBECUE sauce and let everything fry in a pan? You will get a very nice sweet and smoky roasting on this jackfruit that will make you wonder where she has been all her life.

And to take things to the next level, my friend Melissa taught me the way: put whipped chickpeas with these jackfruit scraps in it to increase the punch factor and make it really substantial, satisfying and desirable.

Now let’s move on to A Little Sandwich Style

Toppings are of course your choice, but I am a big proponent of a bag of purchased coleslaw, especially in these SOS times that we are in. Do I prefer the delicate texture of a homemade coleslaw? Yes. But what if I have to put out 100 more fires in the house NOW? Now is not the time for me to shred a head of cabbage.

Other toppings that I loved and that do not require prior preparation: avocado, cucumbers, pepperoncini and hot sauce. Anything that gives him a bit of zip and zazz and maybe even a bit of bite – I love that.